Sisinnio Concas

Transportation Economist

Areas of Expertise

Economic Impact Analysis

I have proven long-track record of performing economic impact analyses of investments. Clients served include local, state, and federal transportation agencies

Performance Measurement

I specialize in performing economic analysis and performance evaluation of novel transportation technologies.

Big Data Analytics

I develop and deploy advanced econometric, data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions to solve real-world transportation problems. Products include quick response solutions to better inform practitioners and policy maker in selecting and prioritizing cost-feasible alternatives.

“I envision a world where people and goods move safely, efficiently, equitably, and with the least impact on our environment."

Sisinnio Concas


Bridging impactful academic research and proven data-driven solutions

Over 20 years of experience in producing  high-impact, objective, data-driven research answers to transportation practitioners and policy makers.


Whether you’re curious about my work or need help with your project, I am here to answer any questions.

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